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Do you know Marilyn Monroe?

Updated: May 29, 2023

While impatiently awaiting the release of Blonde by Andrew Dominik with Ana de Armas and adapted from the bestseller by Joyce Carol Oates, discover some anecdotes about Marilyn Monroe.

Holly Golightly

Truman Capote, the author of the novel "Breakfast at Tiffany's" wanted Marilyn Monroe as the interpreter of the main role of Holly Golightly. On the advice of her coach, the actress refused the role.

Apparently, Capote won't like to hear that Audrey Hepburn has been cast by Paramount for the lead role.


This almost laborious and breathless way of speaking gives a musicality, a particular rhythm to Marilyn's voice. The actress spoke like this to hide her stutter, with which she has struggled all her life. This difficulty could come back as soon as Marilyn was anxious or depressed.

Do you have a 32 ?

The star had wide hips and her height was 32. At the time that was the equivalent of a small 36.

She had many pet dogs

According to a declaration made by Marilyn, her last dog, a Maltese terrier would have been given to her by her old friend Frank Sinatra. Marilyn named the dog Mafia Honey in reference to Sinatra's alleged Mafia connections.

Due to Marilyn's premature death in 1962, Maf was given to Gloria Lovell, Sinatra's secretary.


She loved to read. Not only did the actress like to surround herself with intellectuals to be able to discuss on various subjects, but it seems that at the time of her death, she had a collection of more than 400 books.


Marilyn's white baby grand piano originally belonged to her era who had to sell it. Very attached to the few moments shared with her mother, Marilyn will look for the instrument and will find it in 1951. She will buy it back with her small salary. From then on the piano will follow the actress in all her travels and in all the houses where she lived. Singer Mariah Carey, in 1999, bought this piano at auction for $662,500.

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